Friday, February 9, 2007

The End Of The First Week

Well I've nearly survived my first week with having braces, and apart from a small amount of tightness and discomfort I can't really say that its been anything to complain about! My upper laterals and centrals definitely feel tender, and I seem to be getting a gap in the centrals - but I go back to Dr O on Wednesday for my first adjustment, so I can complain adequately then about the gap! My lips have probably been the worst affected, and I don't even mean the insides of my lips. My lips just feel constantly dry and tight, not really sure what that is all about.

My lowers don't even feel like they have a wire on them - well, they have a .12 NiTi I believe, and the uppers a very respectable .14 NiTi. From what I understand, both are baby wires. I'm wondering whether my lowers will get switched to a .14 when I go in on Wednesday, but I don't imagine my upper getting switched until the banding and expander happen next month. Anyways, my darling baby has just managed to rent me a copy of Wario Ware : Smooth Moves for my Wii - so I'm off to play. Will update with photos over the weekend!

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